The first-ever hybrid 5G festival is happening. Yes, you heard it right. All the leading entities covering the UK’s technology, entertainment and arts industries are teaming up to organise the hybrid 5G festival in early 2022. The 5G festival will be a part of a wider 200 million euros 5G testbeds and trails programme that will be funded by the UK government. The live festival will showcase creative talent mixed with the true power of advance 5G technology which will be broadcasted directly to consumers in rural and urban areas from global-leading venues.

5G Will Open the Doors of Creativity and Innovation for Multiple Industries

Matt Warman, who is the Minister for Digital Infrastructure, stated that 5G technology is not just limited to faster mobile phone. The UK is exploring ground-breaking projects across the region to make people’s lives better with revolutionary technology. The project will be hosted by Brighton and London to aid the cutting-edge music industry to grab new opportunities that 5G offers to revolutionise live entertainment and connect more consumers around the globe.

5G Festival Will Be Led by Digital Catapult

The collaboration behind the first hybrid 5G festival will be managed and led by Digital Catapult, the UK’s advanced digital technology innovation centre. The 5G festival will use the low latency feature that 5G offers to allow physically separate artists to produce immersive live music across multiple venues with a live and remote immersive environment. With the help of ultra-fast high speed, musicians will be able to perform together for a wider audience and provide an immersive experience. The core 5G infrastructure of the 5G festival is based on Digital Catapult’s Testbed that is covered three sites across Brighton and London. The Digital Catapult’s 5G Testbed offers complete end-to-end commercial and standard network services.

O2 is Grateful to be part of the 5G Festival

Rob Searle, who is the head of 5G at O2, stated that being the top brand in the live music industry in the UK, O2 is grateful to be part of initiatives like the 5G festival to provide an immersive experience to musicians and people across the globe. He also stated that connectivity has never been more important as we fuel this country into recovery and work to restructure Britain.

Hybrid 5G Festival Slated for 2022  All to Know - 8