LG, the South Korean tech giant, might be a winner in other markets comprising of TVs and other electronics but hasn’t had much luck when it comes to smartphones. This had led to LG talking with Apple regarding selling Apple phones through the LG stores. While South Korean Apple buyers might have been excited about this development, there were several parties that were not happy with this news. As per the latest development in the stories, it seems that LG might be undoing previous promises made regarding the sales of Apple devices from its stores.

Pressure Mounting on LG From Multiple Sides

There has been pressure on LG from multiple sides. AppleInsider reported that the major pressure was from the small and medium-sized retailers who showed a lot of concern on the fact that LG was about to sell Apple devices in its store. Not only this, LG had gone ahead with providing training to some of its employees who were to sell Apple devices in these said stores. But as it happens, LG has now called back these employees of the Best Shop store and is no longer providing them training to sell Apple devices.

Samsung Skeptical About LG Apple Partnership

The pressure on LG does not only seem to be mounting from its own retailers but also from the government of South Korea, which is concerned about competition. As per an IANS report, the South Korean government had objected to LG when it came ahead with the news of selling Apple Devices. There is also something to lose for Samsung if this goes through. South Korea, which is the homeland of Samsung, would face stiff competition from Apple if LG and Apple were to partner up to sell devices. It is worth noting that LG had remarked about withdrawing from the smartphone business in April, and it was in June when the electronics company declared its intentions of partnering up with Apple.

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