Micromax has taken it to Twitter to tease its upcoming smartphones with the company on Thursday highlighting that its users will “soon” hear about the new devices. The development is on the heels of the escalated tension between the Indian and Chinese troops at Ladakh’s Galwan valley. Several users have tweeted at Micromax asking whether the company plans to launch any new device in the Indian market. Micromax in a tweet said that it is going to “come up with something big soon.”

New Micromax Smartphones with “Premium Features”

The company released the Micromax iOne Note in October 2019 featuring a waterdrop notch design and a dual rear camera. “We are actively working internally to come up with something big soon,” Micromax said in a tweet on Wednesday. While Micromax has not revealed the number of devices that would soon be released in the Indian market, Gadgets360 in a report said that the company could launch three devices. Additionally, the publication said that the new devices from Micromax would all be priced under 10,000. In a separate tweet, the company said that the device would feature a “modern look” which could indicate that the device might have a hole-punch display. “A device with premium features, thoroughly modern look and budget friendly,” Micromax said in a tweet. It has to be noted that Micromax had released several consumer electronics products including LED TV, air conditioners and washing machines. The company currently has listed seven laptops and seven tablets that are said to be available at various online and offline retailers.

Micromax iOne Note Features Full HD Screen

The Micromax iOne Note features dual rear camera including an 13MP primary camera and a 2MP secondary camera while the front camera is said to be 5MP. The device also includes 3GB RAM and 32GB ROM along with a 3950 mAh battery.

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