By the beginning of 2023, Netflix intends to start taking password sharing seriously. Prior to that, the business is methodically creating the framework and giving its subscribers all the tools they need to lessen the blow. It first introduced a service called Profile Transfer that lets users move their Netflix profiles between accounts. Then it introduced a new, inexpensive ad-supported tier with some significant limitations. Manage Access and Devices, a new tool introduced by Netflix, allows users to check the devices associated with their account and sign out of a particular device. Additionally, it displays details like the Netflix profile recently viewed, the time since the previous viewing, the type of device being used, and an approximation of the user’s location based on IP address.

Here’s How To Use Manage Access and Devices Feature

Go to Account settings by clicking on your profile image in the top-left corner of the screen. From there, select Manage Access and Devices. Choose Manage Access and Devices from the Security & Privacy section. Now, active devices will be displayed along with their approximate location, device kind, most recent viewing time, and profile. Specific devices that are not being used by users can be logged out. Users of Netflix will also benefit from keeping an eye out for odd activity on active devices and signing out of them. Manage Access and Devices, which will assist subscribers in managing their device security, is one of Netflix’s most often requested features. According to the streaming service, the Manage Access and Devices tool will be useful for consumers to log out of devices they used while travelling. The firm stated in a blog post that many of its customers would be on the go and watching Netflix wherever they are travelling to visit family and friends over the hectic Christmas season. It’s simple and logical to log in to your account when travelling or even at a friend’s house, but occasionally users forget to log out. Globally, the Manage Access and Devices feature is being made available to all Netflix subscribers. It is accessible through a web browser as well as iOS and Android smartphones.

Netflix Subscribers Can Now Delete Unwanted Devices from their Accounts - 69